It’s common for clients coming for consultation about nasal surgery to bring a photograph of a friend or a domestic or foreign actor and intend to have a similar nose after rhinoplasty. Is it possible?

In answer to this question, there are two viewpoints. First, bringing a photo by a candidate for nasal surgery helps the surgeon to perceive clients’ thoughts and his/her criterion for beauty and the surgeon realizes the client’s taste. So the surgeon and client can talk about different issues and nasal angles.

Does the outcome after nasal surgery bear a striking resemblance to the nose in the picture? In reply to this question, ‘No’. How are we so certain about it?

First, in the most cases the patient takes a picture of a singer or actress or a picture taken in a special party or wedding, so the person in the picture has heavy make-up on and occasionally artists has made him/her up and a professional photographer has taken pictures in right angles and light. All facial and nasal deformities are removed as much as possible. Furthermore the most important point is that the photo has been totally retouched. And you are into taking all these steps through a rhinoplasty. It is impossible.

Another problem is when client brings several photos significantly different. One shows a natural nose and the other a fancy one. And client is interested in both.

 Dr. Gharooni always reminds the patients of the fact that everyone has a specific facial expression. The skin type, apparent form of eyes, lips, cheeks and chin, forehead height etc. widely differs between people. Thus your nose won’t be akin to the picture with you, though, the picture you’ve brought can be used to find out your taste.

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