As it was previously mentioned, you are advised to do enough research on the topic and to make a list of surgeons suggested by relatives or internet, and having consulted them in person, choose the surgeon.

Satisfaction with the surgeon is an important factor in making inquiries of his former patients. Two factors determine how much the patients are satisfied with the surgery:

  • Situation of the nose underwent surgery
  • Level of patient’s expectation

You have frequently seen the patients with an elegant and well-proportioned nose subsequent to rhinoplasty. However, the patient contrary to your opinions doesn’t get satisfaction from the outcome. Some people always have pessimistic view of the world and also help of the others including their rhinoplasty. For them rhinoplasty is not satisfactory. A newly bought garment is not good enough. They are used to see the glass half empty. Regrettably, they are not a few. They often assemble a group of people talking of their miseries and misfortunes. Dissatisfying with everything, they disappoint everybody about the life. Despite having a stunning satisfactory nose in your eyes, he/she perpetually complains about his/her nose. He/she has actually no problem with his/her nose. There is a mental problem. Be careful they negatively don’t have an effect on your decision about the surgeon. Think about performed surgeries from your own perspective, and then decide. Try to choose your favorite nose style. Now find out the surgeons who have devoted a majority of their practice to this style. Visit the surgeons’ websites or make an appointment and consult in person and schedule the surgery if you like.

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