* Girls and boys over the age of 16 and 18 respectively are able to undergo rhinoplasty.

Despite viability of the surgery in all of people at older ages,  the surgical outcome for patients with healthy fresh skin is more satisfactory than patients at the middle age.

Performing the rhinoplasty in patients under the age of 16 in girls and 18 in boys may cause facial and nasal growth delay. Nose actually is the facial growth center. Growth plates located in the nose manage development of the entire face within puberty. So a rhinoplasty or a deviated septum surgery before reaching puberty might delay facial and nasal growth.

Many researches have conducted to prove this fact. In one study in 2010 in the U.S.A. the surgery was carried out on the baby rabbits and nasal growth plates were ruined. Findings showed when the baby rabbits were raised and reached puberty not only had the nose stopped growing, but also facial growth was delayed and failed. Therefore the theory was proved that nasal growth plates stimulate facial and nasal growth over puberty and mustn’t be damaged under puberty as much as possible.

Rarely do children suffer from severe deviated septum. Some are born with it and the others get it after a trauma to the nose. These children developing breathing dysfunction, Display symptoms like mouth breathing and dry mouth after waking up and also snoring during sleep.

In this special case, patients undergo only deviated septum surgery, technically termed as septoplasty, on which limitation has been imposed. But they don’t have a rhinoplasty and the surgery is intended to modify deviated septum working through the inside of the nose, avoiding any change in appearance of the nose. This surgery partially improves child’s breathing and the major surgery i.e. total correction of deviated septum has to be postponed until girls get to the age of 15-16 and boys reach to the age of 18.

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